Strawberry and Lily fragrance. UK manufactured and of the highest quality available. Conforms to all cosmetic regulations.
Suitable for use in candles, bath bombs, soaps, wax melts, snap bars, car diffusers, reed diffusers and slime.
Highly concentrated and extra strong. A little goes a long way.
The recommended dosage is 5-10%. We recommend starting at 5% weight/volume and adjusting since some fragrances naturally have strong scent throws compared to others. Therefore, for 1kg of candle wax we would recommend using 50-100ml of fragrance for a strong scent throw. In diffuser products use up to 25%. Therefore in 75ml of Augeo clean multi, add 25ml of fragrance.
10ml, 30ml, 100ml, 500ml, 1litre and 5litres sizes available.
Cold Process friendly.
Please note:This Fragrance cannot be used in lip products, since it is made from non-food grade materials.
These products are Not Test on Animals!
Full MSDS's and Allergen Declaration can be supplied on request.
Please note these oils are completely synthetic and should not be confused with essential oils.
Do not apply directly to the skin.
For full safety information please consult our free SDS.
Strawberry and Lily Fragrance Oil
This product is suitable for home fragrancing and toiletries including candles, soaps (Melt & Pour & Cold Process), wax melts, bath bombs, reed diffusers, sprays, slime and more.
These fragrances are highly concentrated therefore please excerise caution when using. The percentage to add is going to vary from product to product. We recommend 5-10% v/w in wax and 25-30% v/v in reed diffuser oils. For example in 1kg of candle wax we would recommend using 50-100mL of fragrance for a strong scent throw. If making reed diffuser oil we would recommend adding 25-30mL of fragrance to 70mL reed diffuser oil. Please note: scents are all naturally slightly different strengths, so usage will vary from one fragrance to another and from one wax type to another. We highly recommend testing each oil thoroughly before batch production as results may vary based on individual recipes.